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A friend.

Hey 👋 So today I don't want to talk about gaming for once, I know my blog is all about gaming but I don't that I shouldn't post about this. Today, I want to talk about friends. I'm pretty sure you guys have some friends right? It doesn't matter if its from your highschool or college, friends are friends. 

I have a friend, named Hakim Al-Rasyidi. He's my bestfriend since we're in highschool. I met him when we're in form 4 or to be more exact, in 2014. I called him Aqem because that's his nickname that everyone keep calling him. He's a friend that I don't think I can't get anywhere else because he is one in a million. When we first met, I greet him awkwardly because I'm not good with words and how to make friends but he seems natural but I thought he is an another arrogant boy from another school because he got transferred. 

After we got graduated from highschool, we never forget each other but each of us got so busy with the assignments and works. In 2017, it was Hari Raya Aidilfitri and its been awhile since I don't see him because we both are so busy as I stated above. We greeted, hugged and doing our secret handshakes that I thought he would forget about it. We talked a lot because we both miss each other, we talked the stupid little things that we did in highschool, funny videos that we used to make long time ago. I can never forget about it because that was the best moment of my life. 

21/7/2017, I was in Kuantan where I further my study, it was in the evening and I have a movie screening to attend. Tbh, he contacted me once but I was too busy to reply his texts. But when the number 11 hit the clock, someone texted me...

"Assalamualaikum Adli, I have something to tell you but promise me that you have to be strong."

"Waalaikumussalam, what is it?"

"It's about Aqem.."

"Why? What about him?"

"He... passed away just now because of an accident. He's on his way to his college but he got accident because he was trying to dodge a "lightless" motorcycle."

"You've got to be kidding me. This is not funny!"

"I'm not joking Adli. Check our WhatsApp group.."

And yes I checked it and its all true. I immediately get out from the movie screening, I can't feel my legs and my heart starts to ache a lot. I couldn't believe it so I cried... a lot. I immediately regret what have I done and I wish I can see him again for once but I know because it's too late. My college friends calm me down but I can't because Aqem is the best person that I've ever met. But, it's the reality and I know I can't do anything. 

I'm sorry but I can't finish my story, if you guys have any question just hit the comment section and I'll reply to you guys. Moral of the story, no matter how busy you are, always hit up your friends before it's too late. Friends is the best thing that you could ever had. Appreciate them before you lost them. Thank you for reading. Goodnight.
