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The Mis-Judgement Towards Gaming

💬People are often misjudge (especially adults) about gaming. They thought that gaming can't bring any bright future to the youth, they will always misjudge and saying things about the teenagers who play games such as:

"Teenagers nowadays will have no future if they keep playing games. How will they survive in the future? They should go to school and learn because games can't give them a job or bright future!" 😖

💥Wrong! Today, I will write about gaming and once you've done reading, you will change your perspective about games.

As we all know, there are so many games that have been developed nowadays in our era such as Counter-Strike GO, DoTA (Defend of The Ancient) & FIFA. 😏 There are many teenagers are playing these games in the cyber cafe or at their home and day by day they will gain skills on the particular games that they played. Their skills will not be wasted because the developers of the games will open up a tournament and all of the professional players around the world will join and compete in the tournament. The price of the winner is not as cheap as you thought, its actually worth 3,000 000 Dollar USD. 😉

💣Furthermore, the universities nowadays already provide a course that called "International Diploma in Gaming and Animation". People who loved video games and animation can join the course to gain new skills and get a new information about gaming. The International Diploma in Gaming and Animation Technology teaches students the basics of animation and game creation. Subjects include using programming languages C++ and Java for games creations, games mathematics and physics, web technologies, introduction to computers and networking, video and image editing skills and creating arcade-style games.

🙏There are many people who succeed in video gaming, the people who trained everyday to gain new skills and experiences. They joined a popular tournament named "The Kiev Major" who runs by the developers of DoTA (Valve) I'll tell you more about these people in my next post. 

😲As a conclusion, everything in this world have their own benefits and good impact. Video games always been misjudge by the people because of their perspective towards video games. I hope, this post of mine can change your perspective towards gaming and have a faith towards people who spends their time playing video games. 

😋Stay Tuned for my next post, I hope you guys had fun reading my blogs! See you soon! Bye 😀
