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People’s Perspective

Hey 👋🏿 I hope you like my previous post! So today I’m going to talk about how video games can change your life! Since people have wrong perspective on video games, today I’m going to clear your mind set from bad perspective on video games!

At the point when guardians consider how much time their youngsters spend playing computer games, they're ordinarily worried about the different wellbeing dangers and conditions regularly connected with video gaming fixation. Be that as it may, with legitimate control and parental supervision, your youngster can exploit the numerous beneficial outcomes of computer games like the ones recorded underneath:

1. Physical Activity

There are numerous computer games available, both for consoles and PCs, which require some sort of physical action. Regardless of whether it's moving or playing the guitar, guardians have the alternative of buying recreations for their kids that will drive them to move about as opposed to sitting on the sofa throughout the day. 

2. Fitness and Nutrition

Many video games are available that incorporate fitness, nutrition and healthy living into the game's main objectives. Video games that are meant to simulate outdoor sports are fun alternatives for outdoor exercises, and can be done at any time of the day, no matter what the weather is outside. Some video games are entirely based on physical fitness, giving the player weight-loss goals and physical achievements to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Hand-eye Coordination

Regular video game play can increase your child's dexterity, which is very useful for performing day-to-day activities, work functions and playing sports. There are numerous exercises that can be performed to improve your child's hand-eye coordination, but most of them aren't as appealing and rewarding to your child as playing a video game.

4. Social Skills

A lack of social skills and the ability to interact with others on a regular basis can be detrimental to a child's development and can even lead to depression. Children who are shy and lack confidence when socializing with their peers may have an easier time opening up while playing video games. With online gaming, children can even interact with a multitude of individuals, even complete strangers. Approaching someone you hardly know, like a new classmate or coworker, and striking up a conversation can be quite challenging in real life, but in a video game setting, there is a sense of anonymity and security that enables people to overcome their fears of interacting with someone they don't know.

5. Improved Learning Ability

The complexity of most video games gives your child a chance to enhance cognitive skills like problem solving, decision making and reasoning. Video games have evolved to a point where the user must take control and think for themselves, rather than aimlessly inputting simple commands through a video game controller. Often times, video games require the player to solve riddles that require patience and creativity before they can advance to the next portion of the game.

6. Good Sportsmanship and Fair-play

Good sportsmanship and fair-play are values that are commonly developed in youth sports and organizations. Video games offer another outlet to teach your children these values, especially through regular, online gaming, where players are constantly competing with one another.

7. Stress Reduction

With the pressures of fitting in, performing well in extracurricular activities and meeting the expectations of parents and educators, it's no wonder that even children have to cope with a great deal of stress. Video games offer your child an outlet for reducing their stress levels by relieving them of the pressures they face in the outside world. Children can completely immerse themselves in the video game, if only for a short while.
